Veronika's PhysioStim Bone Growth Therapy Story
A bad motocross accident and a broken clavicle threatened to end Veronika’s racing career until her physician prescribed PhysioStim™ Bone Growth Therapy.
“I feel alive again and that is something that is the stuff that dreams are made of.”
Motocross racing is part of Veronika’s DNA. “It’s an exhilaration that is unparalleled in this universe. You take off of a jump and you’re literally flying,” she said.
As a competitive racer, Veronika has seen her share of crashes… but nothing like what could have been a career-ending mid-air collision. “We were going over a jump, so we were unfortunately about 20 feet off the ground when we collided in mid-air,” Veronika said. “We both went down. I broke my collarbone, my sternum, and had a pretty bad concussion.”
The collarbone was so badly broken; it threatened to puncture a lung. “When the surgeon looked at my X-ray, he told me that the bone looked like an “M,” where one bone was resting upon my lung, and that was a very large concern for other health issues, so it was in my best interest to have surgery as soon as possible,” she said.
A few months after surgery, Veronika’s collarbone fracture had still not healed. Her orthopedic surgeon prescribed a bone growth stimulation device called PhysioStim to help her fracture heal. The device sends low level pulses of electromagnetic energy to the fracture site which stimulates the natural healing process. After using the PhysioStim device daily as prescribed, Veronika is healed. Best of all, she’s back competing at the sport she loves.
“When I’m on the track now, I can ride with confidence again,” Veronika said. “I feel alive again and that is something that is the stuff that dreams are made of.”
The patient stories above are the experiences of these individuals. Not everyone who uses a bone growth therapy device will receive the same results. If you are interested in learning more, please consult your physician to understand the benefits and risks. Information related to indications, contraindications and precautions can be found at Orthofix.com.